Aaron's Cashflow 101 Gaming Group in San Francisco ...

... is no longer meeting. I am now focused on some other things. Thanks to all of you who participated with me. I truly appreciate the opportunity we had to learn and grow together. Feel free to get in touch.

If you are looking for a gaming group, a good way to find one is to visit or post in the Cashflow Circles forum, on richdad.com. Or ask me, and I'll tell you of any that I'm currently aware of in San Francisco.

Some Resources

I wrote an Intro to Playing Cashflow 101 for people who are new to the game. It contains some wisdom to help you get the most out of it, and may be worth reading even if you've already played a few times.

The Small Business Administration of San Francisco offers many free or cheap seminars in topics relevant to business, investing, and finance. Most of the instructors are excellent. The class calendar is here.

The Learning Annex is currently offering a number of seminars on real estate. (Be careful, though - they vary a LOT in quality.) Many of them are specifically geared towards the investor. Note that you can often attend Learning Annex seminars for free by volunteering as a host.

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